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Can dogs eat beef jerky? These are the facts.

Since dogs love meat and jerky is just jerky, why should we question whether we should feed it to our dogs? The truth is that today's jerky is more than just dried meat, and your dog needs to be considered for nutrition. So, when you and your dog are sitting at your feet eating a jerky snack, you may be tempted to let go of their begging or cute, eager eyes and share with them. Here are a few facts to consider first.


Is beef jerky good for your dog?

The most succinct answer is no. While it may not be immediately toxic to your dog, it is not the safest treat for them. The problem is that today's beef jerky is highly processed and contains ingredients that could harm your dog. 

The following are some of the potentially harmful ingredients.

✴ Too much salt

✴ Garlic

✴ Onions

✴ Pepper


✴ Xylitol 

These ingredients are delicious for humans and make for a satisfying jerky experience, but not for our dogs. These are not good for your dog, and some dogs are particularly sensitive to gluten - which is also an ingredient.

dog jerky


Your dog's diet issues

You may have noticed this in your dog, but they don't respond well to changes in their diet. They need a slow transition or even a change in the brand of food you feed them. So, when you are considering sharing jerky with your dog, consider the seasoning, salt content, and overall quality of the product. 

A highly processed food is not good for any of us. While we may be able to tolerate it, your dog may have an upset tummy. Preservatives are not good for your dog, but the real issue with beef jerky is the salt content. 



High levels of salt in a dog's blood can lead to sodium toxicity, also known as hypernatremia. If they are consuming too much salt, in general your dog will only need to drink enough water to balance the salt in their blood. However, if there is no water available or they consume too much salt too quickly, their cells will try desperately to release water to counter the adverse effects.  

The dangers of hypernatremia to your dog cannot be ignored. Due to the lack of water, this condition can destroy their brain cells. They get headaches, dizziness and seizures. In addition, as they lose hydration and atrophy, their muscles become stiff and tremble. 

But the most serious effect of hypernatremia is on the nervous system. When your dog's cells release water to compensate for all the extra salt in the blood, the brain cells become dry. Your dog may fall into a coma, have convulsions and die. Therefore, contact your veterinarian if your dog is consuming large amounts of salt, regardless of whether they are showing signs of ill health. Less severe signs of dehydration may include excessive thirst, urination, vomiting, muscle cramps, diarrhea, fluid buildup and rapid heart rate.   


Other Harmful Beef Jerky Ingredients

As mentioned earlier, onions and garlic are popular ingredients used to flavor beef jerky. But these are also on the list of foods your dog should not consume. These are toxic to your dog. Large amounts of either of these vegetables can cause your dog's red blood cells to be destroyed, leading to anemia. 

Here are some signs that your dog is consuming too much onion or garlic.

✴ the smell of onion/garlic on their breath

✴ Pale mucous membranes

✴ lethargy

✴ shortness of breath

✴ Elevated heart rate

✴ Decreased appetite

✴ Vomiting


Treatment when consuming onions or garlic

According to the Pet Poison Hotline, if your dog has ingested an amount of onion or garlic that concerns you, you should induce vomiting and give your dog activated charcoal. In addition, have a blood smear done daily to monitor for anemia. Blood transfusions are indicated for more severe anemia.


Can I feed my dog beef jerky?

If you can find plain jerky without added salt, i.e., plain dried meat for your dog, feel free to give it to your dog. Your dog will not only love it, but it is healthy for them as well. Jerky provides them with a delicious, high-protein treat. Nevertheless, they should only have it in moderation.


Alternatives to dog jerky

So, unless you can find pure beef jerky, what can you do? There are other options besides giving your dog your seasoned jerky. Here is the recipe for homemade jerky snacks for dogs. 

Dog Jerky Machine


Homemade Dog Jerky


✴ Lean beef

✴ pineapple juice

✴ liquid aminos

✴Apple cider vinegar

✴ Fish sauce

✴Ginger powder

✴ Liquid smoke (optional)



✴Dehydrator or oven at lowest setting

✴A glass container for marinating (or just a Ziploc bag)

✴In your oven, a baking sheet or baking pan and parchment paper



Using a marinade will make this jerky delicious for both you and your dog. The ingredients are low sodium and no added sugar. The following marinades are available. 

◬ 1 cup unsweetened pineapple juice

◬½ cup liquid aminos (instead of low-sodium, gluten-free soy sauce)

◬½ cup apple cider vinegar

◬ A little fish sauce

◬ a pinch of ground ginger

◬ 1 - 2 drops of liquid smoke (this is optional)


Now prepare, following these instructions

1. mix the marinade (one batch per pound of meat)

2. Prepare the meat by slicing it into even sized thin slices.

3. Marinate the beef in the marinade for 4 - 24 hours.

4. If using a dehydrator: preheat it to 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. If using an oven: Preheat to 160 degrees or the lowest setting.

6. Pat the marinated meat dry with paper towels.

7. Place the meat on a tray, leaving space between slices for airflow. 

8. In the dehydrator, leave enough space between each tray.

9. Set your timer for 4 hours in the dehydrator.

10. Set the timer in the oven for 3 hours.

You will know when the jerky is done when it looks shrunken (at least halfway), dark in color, bendable and completely dry. When it is cool enough to handle, store it in an airtight container. 


Final thoughts on dogs and jerky

It may be hard to resist giving in to your dog's begging when you eat jerky, but it may be the right thing to do. Unless the jerky you want to feed them is free of salt and other spices, this tasty treat could be toxic to your furry friend. So read the label on the jerky to find out what you're feeding your dog, or consider making your own


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